My Story

Julie Hood advisor and mentor

Hello, I’m Julie Hood

I help boards and senior leaders focus, prioritise, and deliver what is most important.

After training as a registered nurse in Christchurch I moved to Wellington and spent a career in leadership and more recently governance and planning roles in a range of public, private, not-for profit and government organisations.  

I completed an MBA at Victoria, working full time, raising two children. The house got renovated in my spare time. When I look back I was never confident that what I was doing was the most important and how I was doing it was effective, all the while feeling stuck on treadmill.

Today I’m much clearer, particularly about the critical role of governance and management, and the positive difference both can make to productivity, profitability, and people wellbeing when working in harmony.

If that’s something of interest to you or someone you know take a look at the services I offer, and get in touch.

In your time.


Every second is of infinite value.

—Johann Wolfgang von goethe

